Carve-out and Spin-off

FTI Treasury Case Study Pharma Sector
Client Profile
A European-based multi-national company originated from a carve–out from a larger organization and has four months to set up a treasury organization from scratch.
Client Problem
A new Group Treasurer is concerned about their ability to obtain internal resources and an operational infrastructure, including technology, within a short space of time. He also has a longer-term vision to establish a world-class treasury function.
FTI Treasury Solution
FTI Treasury  quickly rolled out a technology infrastructure that includes:
  • Transaction recording on a Treasury Management System which is configured to meet the company’s customised design requirements.
  • Data input integration with transaction trading platforms, market information systems, bank account information, cash pool balance tracking and interest allocation.
  • Specialist netting and cash flow forecasting applications.
  • Data output integration with an automated confirmation matching system, payment systems and the in-house accounting system.
FTI Treasury provides also a treasury service for:
  • Back  office services for settlement, reconciliation, confirmations, and cash pool administration.
  • Middle office accounting and reporting services with month-end accounting entries, MTM, and hedge accounting reporting, typically integrated to client ERP systems.
  • A Front office back-up service to cover daily cash management, FX execution, inter-company lending and netting, transaction recording.
FTI Treasury Solution
  • Access to an experienced team to get the set-up completed within the tight timeframe because of having done this many times before.
  • A best-in-class organisation and technology infrastructure from the start.
  • Back-up at all levels if and when required.

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