Cash & Debt Portfolio Management

FTI Treasury Case Study Property Sector
Client Profile

UK Headquartered company operating in the property sector with over 40,000 properties under ownership.

Client Problem

This client has a large issued bond portfolio and also holds significant levels of cash. The client needed a solution to manage the administration, cash flows and accounting associated with the bond portfolio and also to actively invest available cash in short term money market instruments.

FTI Treasury Solution

FTI Treasury records all bond issuances on our Treasury Management System for this client and manages all of the associated administration and accounting. This removed the requirement for the client to invest in specialist treasury management software and to employ additional expert human resources to manage this debt portfolio.

FTI also looks after the short-term cash portfolio for this client, investing in money market instruments within well-defined risk parameters with the client’s designated counterparties.

FTI Treasury’s solution eliminates the requirement for this client to have dedicated treasury resources and invest in treasury systems with estimated savings of 3 FTEs.

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